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Salt spray test machine maintenance matters

In order to make the salt spray tester last longer and reduce maintenance, we must pay attention to some of its maintenance matters:

1. The air compressor should be regularly lubricated. It is recommended to use an air compressor with a power of 0.1/10.

2. After each test, the salt spray test machine should have its oil-water separator switch opened to discharge the oil and water.

3. If the test is not performed for a long time, the saturator should be opened to drain the water. During normal use, the saturator should also be regularly replaced to prevent water buildup.

4. The function of the air regulator valve should be checked regularly.

5. In the case of long-term unused periods, before reopening the test, all electrical systems should be checked.

6. At the end of the salt spray test, the test box should be cleaned and placed in a dry environment if possible.

7. If any electrical components on the control panel need to be replaced due to failure, it should be done under the guidance of the manufacturer to avoid unnecessary trouble.

8. In the event of nozzle dirt clogging, the nozzle can be disassembled and cleaned with alcohol, xylene, or a 1:1 hydrochloric acid solution. Alternatively, ultra-fine steel wire can be used for dredging. However, caution must be taken to prevent damage to the nozzle cavity surface finish and to maintain spray efficiency.

Conforms to the standard:
GB/T 10125-1997
ASTMB 117-2002
BS7479:1991 NSS, ASS and CASS tests were carried out.
GM 9540P cyclic corrosion test
GB/T 10587-2006 Salt Spray Test Chamber Technical Conditions
GB/T 10125-97 Artificial climate corrosion test Salt spray test
GB/T 2423.17-93 Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products Test Card: Salt Spray Test Methods
GB/T 6460 Accelerated Acetate Spray Test for Copper Plated Metal (CASS)
GB/T 6459 Accelerated Acetate Spray Test for Copper Plating on Metal (ASS)

Post time: Jul-18-2023